Eagle Valley Association of Residents & Home Owners
Code of Conduct for Association Officers
Version 1.0 Operational Date: 4/6/2019
General Responsibilities & Rights of Officers of Eagle Valley Association of Residents & Home Owners
As an Officer of the Association of Eagle Valley Residents & Home Owners, I will respect and uphold the values of the Association with respect to
- Inclusiveness: we recognise that diversity is strength and will seek to involve all people, as active participants in their community with fair and open access to volunteer opportunities and support.
- Responsiveness: we seek to meet our community’s needs and make a difference.
- Quality: we will strive for excellence in the delivery of our services and activities.
- Forward looking: we recognise the need for continual review and improvement.
- Impact focused: we believe that success is measured by outcomes, and will seek to deliver results that benefit our Members as well as the wider community.
- I will act within the Constitution of the Association and the Law, and abide by the policies and procedures of the Association. I will familiarise myself with the contents of the Constitution of the Association and relevant policies and procedures as well as the Roles and Responsibilities of my fellow Officers
- I understand my duty of care to ensure that the Association is well run and will raise issues and questions in an appropriate and sensitive way to ensure that this is the case
Managing Interests
- I will not gain materially or financially or personally from my involvement with the Association unless specifically authorised to do so.
- I will act in the best interests of the Association as a whole, and not as a representative of any interest group or myself as an individual – considering what is best for the Association, its Membership and its present and future beneficiaries and avoiding bringing the Association into disrepute.
- Unless authorised, I will not put myself in a position where my personal interests conflicts with my duty of care to act in the interests of the Association. Where there is a conflict of interest I will ensure that this is advised to the Executive Committee and managed effectively in line with the Association policy.
- I will use the Association’s resources responsibly and claim any expenses in line with the Association procedures.
- I will not use the Member Portal, official association stationery or communication channels to send out correspondence expressing personal viewpoints which have not been agreed on by the Association meeting.
- I understand that a failure to declare a conflict of interest may be considered to be a breach of this code.
- The business of the association may involve Members in dealing with issues that are sensitive. Members must exercise discretion and care in performing their duties and responsibilities. If confidential information is provided, it may only be used for the business of the meeting and it must not be passed on to anyone outside of that meeting. Such information will not in any case include any personal information about individuals, except at that individual’s written request.
- As an Officer for the Association, I will respect GDPR guidelines and understand that I will have access to contact details of neighbouring residents/owners, particularly through the Member Portal. I understand that such details are treated with the utmost respect and confidentiality and may only be used for matters connected to the Association.
- Member contact details must not be disclosed to other residents/owners or published without their written permission. Should a request be made by one resident/owner/tenant (Requesting Member) for contact details of another resident/owner/tenant (Contact Member), an Association Officer (Area Representative or Executive Committee) should contact the Contact Member requesting permission to disclose their contact details to the Requesting Member. If the Contact Member grants permission, the Association Officer should confirm in writing/by email to the Contact Member that they will now disclose their contact details. The Association Secretary should also be advised/copied. The Association Officer may then disclose details to the Requesting Member.
Tasks, Meetings & Electronic Communications
- I will respect the time of others by replying in a timely fashion. If a reply is pending to a fellow Officer or Member, I undertake to do so within 3 days and more immediately for urgent issues.
- I will utilise electronic communication mediums and the Eagle Valley Member Portal solely to provide data or information notifications to my fellow Officers and Members and understand that all decisions are discussed and made in the forum of a formal Association Meeting to allow full participation by fellow Officers.
- I understand such electronic communications should be sent outside business hours where possible to avoid interruption to fellow Officers and Members work responsibilities.
- I will consult with the appropriate Officer(s) on any issue needing attention or action
- I will carry out any tasks I agree to take on in the agreed time and say beforehand if I am unable or unwilling.
- In the event that I find I cannot carry out a task I take on, I will advise the Executive Committee in a timely fashion to allow alternative arrangements to be made. Where possible I will seek and nominate an alternative person to the Committee who is willing to take on the task.
- I will attend all appropriate meetings and other appointments at the Association or give apologies. If I cannot regularly attend meetings I will consider whether there are other ways I can engage with the Association.
- I will prepare for all meetings and work for the Association e.g. reading papers. I will actively engage in discussion, debate and voting in meetings; contributing in a considered and constructive way, listening carefully, challenging sensitively and avoiding conflict.
- I will actively contribute towards improving the governance of the Association participating in induction and training and sharing ideas for improvement with the Association.
- I will help to identify good candidates to act as Officers of the Association and, with my fellow Officers, will appoint new Officers in accordance with agreed selection criteria.
Relations with Others
- I will endeavour to work considerately and respectfully with all those I come into contact with at the Association. I will respect diversity, different roles and boundaries, and avoid giving offence to others.
- I will not make public comments about the Association unless authorised to do so.
Leaving the Role of an Association Officer
- I understand that substantial breach of any part of this code may result in procedures being put in motion that may result in my being asked to resign as an Officer of the Association.
- Should this happen I will be given the opportunity to be heard. In the event that I am asked to resign as an Officer of the Association, I will accept the majority decision of the Officers in this matter and resign at the earliest opportunity.
- If I wish to cease being an Officer of The Association at any time, I will inform the Chairperson in advance (giving as much notice as possible) in writing, stating my reasons for leaving. Where possible, I will endeavour to nominate a person to replace me as an Officer of the Association
- Been the subject of any insolvency proceedings (including bankruptcy, liquidation or voluntary arrangements?)
- Been the subject of any director or disqualification proceedings?
- Been the subject of any criminal investigation?
Declaration required for Association Insurance
The Association pays for an Officers Insurance policy to cover any officer while working on behalf of the Association. In order to enable the policy to cover you, we are required to ask the following questions:
I have read the Eagle Valley Officers Insurance Policy and understand that I will not be covered where a legal liability arises from a dishonest, wilfully reckless act or intentional disregard of the Law on my part
Has the proposed Insured or any person involved in the management of the proposed Insured ever:
If you have answered yes to any of the questions above, please give full details:
Signed ____________________________
Name ____________________________
Date ____________________________