The Eagle Valley Association of Residents & Home Owners
A meeting of Residents and Home Owners of Eagle Valley was held on 5th June 2014 to form the Eagle Valley Association of Residents & Home Owners. A Constitution was adopted and a Committee of volunteer residents was formed.
The goal of Eagle Valley Association of Residents & Home Owners is to protect and develop Eagle Valley as a good residential environment that we enjoy living in and as a consequence, protect our property values and rental potential.
Its specific objectives are:
- To ensure Eagle Valley Estate is developed in the interests of the present and future residents & home owners;
- To secure the services arid amenities to which the residents & home owners are entitled;
- To see that the Estate is properly maintained and to provide services for the members;
- To foster social activities and community spirit.
- To promote the work of the Association by keeping the Members and stake holders informed of its activities.
- To develop and review an annual list of objectives so that the Association remains focused in what it is trying to achieve for its Membership
How the Association Offers Value to its Members
With the investment of volunteer’s personal time and the collection of Subscription funds each year, the Eagle Valley Association is developing value for the three core interests of its Members:
- The interests of Residents in ensuring a positive living environment & community
- The interests of Home Owners in protecting property values
- The interests of Landlords in an attractive rental location and protection of the value of their investment.
The Association achieves this value by funding & developing four core services:
- Estate Maintenance & Development: The Association funds and drives the maintenance of the Estate, particularly at the most basic level of paying for the grass cutting of the Greens. It also seeks to ensure other maintenance issues are addressed e.g. public lighting, street cleaning, pot holes etc. to ensure that the Estate maintains a good appearance. The Association also funds Estate Development projects to improve the amenities of the Estate. For examples, projects that have been identified include speed controls, signage, trees replanting, recreational areas etc.
- Members Access the Power of a Collective Voice in addressing Environmental and Social issues of concern to its Members. The Association provides an umbrella structure to draw on the collective network and knowledge of its individual Members in seeking solutions by:
- Representing the Estate’s Membership Interests with outside bodies in proactively accessing resources, services & decisions that affect the Estate “If you don’t ask, you don’t get”g. Planning, Gardai, Council etc.
- Enabling Members with the support of an authoritative Group structure to collectively address interests and issues in their area rather than as a lone individual.
- The Association can liaise with a Landlord and neighbouring Residents and Landlords impacted by the antisocial behaviour in a facilitation capacity. This includes advising Landlords of any anti-social issues by their Tenants for whom they are legally responsible and organising the appropriate documentary data to assist the Landlord in addressing the issue. The Association can act as a facilitator by assisting the Home Owners to connect with each other to enable dialog and resolution between themselves informally and hopefully avoid progressing to the formal avenue of the RTB. The proper authority for dispute adjudication, mediation and resolution is the RTB and the Association is a body of volunteers who do not have the legal authority, skills or resources to perform such functions.
- Register of Home Owners: In a large estate of 300 houses where people don’t know their neighbours and over 70% of houses are rented, the Association invests significant personal time by volunteers and its funds in ensuring a register of all Home Owners (Members and non Members) in the estate is maintained and kept up to date to enable contact where necessary with a Home Owner.
- Community Forum: Investing in Community Building social events (e.g. Clean Up day, Christmas Lighting etc.) and an IT Communication Forum System to enable Residents and Home Owners to communicate and build a co-operative and supportive Community spirit.
Some the Association’s Achievements & Use of Subscription Funds
- Successful lobbying Cork County Council to take Eagle Valley and the Hedgerows in charge for public infrastructure in 2015. However, Cork County Council does not maintain the Estate or cut the greens as Eagle Valley is not a Council Estate. Like other private estates throughout the city, the Home Owners have to fund its maintenance. We are very appreciative of the support of Cork County Council , it Representatives and its Employees in our work, much of which would not be possible without their support.
- General Maintenance of the Estate since June 2014
- Grass Cutting
- Weedkilling & Road Sweeping
- Drain Clearance
- Pot hole repairs
- Repainting of Street Markings
- Street Lighting Repairs
- Volunteer Estate Clean Ups
- Estate Environment Improvements:
- 2019 – Replanting with new 16 Trees
- 2017 Addressing Funeral Home Traffic Issues
- 2016/17 Restoration & Planting of Eagle Valley Entrance Rockery, Signage & Lighting with the support of Cork County Council through the Amenity Grant Scheme
- 2016 Installation of 3 Salt Bins with the support of Cork County Council
- 2015 Pedestrian & Traffic Lights Reactivated at Entrance
- Community Affairs
- Assisting neighbouring landlords and residents in addressing and resolving issues with Squatters
- Assisting the Landlord together with neighbouring landlords and residents in addressing anti social behaviour from his tenants
- Removal of Abandoned Cars
- Monitoring Planning Submissions
- 2017 Completed – Successful Submission to Cork County Council on planning application on new 98 Unit Development at entrance to Eagle Valley
- 2016 Registering objections on inaccurate placement of Sarsfield Road/Wilton/Togher signage in 2016
- 2015 Planning Representation re Mainline Place
- Securing 3 Amenity Grants totalling €1600 from Cork County Council
- Association Administration
- Register of Member Home Owners of the Eagle Valley Association
- Database of all Home Owners in Eagle Valley & associated eMail/SMS List & house status (Resident Owner/Landlord Owner)
- Accounts System
- Insurance cover for officers of the Association and to enable the Association to run events
- New Association VoIP Phone Service in 2019
- Communications Systems
- New Eagle Valley Member Portal in 2019
- website
- Facebook Group for community alerts & information sharing
- Association Bank Account
- Association Name: To better reflect the population of Home Owners in Eagle Valley, the Association’s name was changed to Eagle Valley Association of Residents and Home Owners in 2017.