Notice to all home owners of Eagle Valley,
Our annual subscription is now due for urgent renewal for 2018. At the AGM of 19th September 2017, members voted to keep the subscription at the current level of €60. As things stand, the contract for Noblewood Grass cutting is yet to be renewed, and presently, there are no further funds to cover the cost for 2018 so your support in this matter would be very much appreciated.
We would be grateful if you could now pay the subscription at your earliest convenience, by either via electronic transfer, or dropping it to your Local Association Representative by 27th April 2018.
Rented Houses: If you are in a rented house, please send us your Landlord’s contact details and make arrangements with your Landlord for payment.
Please make Payment in 2 Steps:
Step 1: Send your contact details by email to or by post to the Eagle Valley Association Treasurer, Mr. Paul O’Farrell, No. 12 Eagle Valley, Wilton, Cork. Please include your:
- Name
- Eagle Valley House Number
- Mobile Telephone Number
- Email Address
- Your Home Postal Address.
This will enable us to (1) post you a receipt for your records and (2) to cost efficiently keep you updated on news and developments in Eagle Valley. Your details are held strictly for communications with you by officers of the Association and will not be disclosed without your permission
Step 2: Payment Via either of 2 options
Option A: Credit Transfer
*** VERY IMPORTANT: Please put your house number in the Narrative to allow us identify who has made the payment
Eagle Valley Bank Details:
Bank of Ireland Account Number 69232184, Sort code 902645;
Option B: Cheque/Cash
Please post Cheques to the Treasurer, Mr. Paul O’Farrell, No. 12 Eagle Valley.
- Cheques should be made payable to Eagle Valley Association of Residents & Home Owners
*** Please put your house number on the Cheque to allow us identify who has made the payment
Thank You for your support,
The Committee
Eagle Valley Association Of Residents & Home Owners
If you would like a receipt, please email and a receipt will be sent to you once payment is processed.